Pre-paying Home Loan? Read This to Know if it is a Good or a Bad Idea Oct 1, 2018 | Home LoanIf you are planning to buy a new property for yourself, then we have something of interest to you. Borrowing money is not as easy an option as it may seem. It brings along the burden of repayment and its consequences. To get rid of such a burden, you can avail the...
The significance of Genuine Savings While Availing Property Loans in Australia Sep 17, 2018 | UncategorizedMany lenders don’t require genuine savings of the borrower for lending purposes. With these lenders, the borrower can borrow almost 100% of the property-purchase price using a guarantor. However, there may be some lenders who require genuine savings to finance a...
FHOG Scheme, Its Significance for the First Time Home Buyers in Australia Sep 14, 2018 | UncategorizedFHOG is an acronym of the First Home Owner Grant and it is a scheme that was introduced way back in 1st July 2000 to counteract the effect of GST on home ownership. FHOG is a national scheme and is funded by the various states and Union territories of Australia. Very...
Tips for Getting a Home Loan if you are a Casual Worker Sep 13, 2018 | UncategorizedIf you are in a casual employment and your income fluctuates then also you can qualify for a home loan in Australia. In Australia, there are a number of regular lenders who are ready to provide loans to candidates who are on casual employment. Usually, lenders...
Factors that Lenders Consider While Lending to Mothers on Maternity Leaves Sep 12, 2018 | UncategorizedAre you juggling work and family life together? This question is relevant because the modern world is busy and in this busy world many try to juggle their professional life with family life. If you are contemplating about your new home despite your busy professional...